The assessment of the impact of poultry and aquaculture pollution on the waterquality was done for the period of four months from March to June 2012 at Vallivattom village of Vellangallurgramapanchayath in Thrissur
district, Kerala.The analysis of physico- chemical parameters indicates that the water quality of wetland near the poultry farm and the prawn culture fieldshowed comparatively higher values. Thirty two phytoplankton genera under five taxonomic classes were identified during the period of study,of which eighteen were pollution indicators. The wetland near the poultry farm has the higher number of phytoplankton (organisms/litre). Naviculaand Oscillatoria were abundant in this area. Euglena was observed in both the wetlands near the poultry farm and the prawn culture field.Thirteen plant species under leven families were identified from the study area, which includes three true mangroves namely Acanthus ilicifoliusL., AvicenniaofficinalisL. and RhizophoramucronataPoir.The present study revealed that the quality of water was deteriorated in the wetland near the poultry farm and the prawn culture field. The addition of poultry wastes stimulated the luxuriant growth of algae in water and the algal blooms reduced the oxygen content in the water.
Written by Lakshmi T.G. and Tessy Paul P.
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