One of the fundamental features of narrative is spatiality. Spatiality refers to the place where the events of the story take place. The subject is the concept of spatiality about narrative space and related themes. Variations in the narrative spaces of narrative forms as a result of migration have great potential for the applicability of the hypothesis of spatiality. The migration from Travancore to Malabar is one of the most important in the migration history of the Malayalees. K. on the subject of Malabar immigration. J. The aim of this study is to investigate how the changes in the lifestyle of women as part of the dislocations caused by migration in the novel 'Bespurkana' written by Baby are narrated. The characteristics of the narrative spaces in the novel and the variations between them and their impact on the marking of women's space are examined based on the hypothesis of spatiality.
Written by Felbin Antony
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